Monday, July 16, 2012

Mormons and African Americans are still viewed skeptically

A new Washing Post-ABC News poll shows just how far -- or how little -- America has come with regard to its opinions of Mormons and African Americans. The results: "Substantial prejudice still exists for both Mormons and African Americans, despite shifting views on both groups since Barack Obama and Mitt Romney first ran for president four years ago."

Prejudice has decreased because of the candidacy of Mitt Romney and the presidency of Barack Obama. Thirty one percent of Americans said they had an "unfavorable" view of the Mormon Church, a drop of eight percent since 2007. "Positive" views dropped as well, however, from 42% to 39% over the same time period. 

There seems little evidence that prejudice among voters will translate into the voting booth.

Read more from The Washington Post

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