From America’s 24 hour news networks and its ill-disciplined internet lifestyle comes the erosion of what undergirds true sensibility, and therefore the transformation and progression of culture. Call it a corollary of The Law of Diminishing Returns: As the amount of information -- and the speed at which it is attained -- increases, our collective capacity for 20/20 reflection declines. This inverse relationship is important, because the news and the conversation it creates only graduates from petty voyeurism when placed in some form of historical and human context. That’s context which can only be applied when the passions have cooled, impossible given America’s insatiable appetite for data, no matter how trivial.
Perhaps the Left was distracted by Gabby Douglas’
No matter, the most ingratiating aspect of
reflection is that it’s never too late. Therefore, three weeks after Dan Cathy,
president of Chick-fil-A, stepped into the culture wars, and three weeks after
the Left’s embarrassingly botched response, it’s time for some historical and human
context: Simply put, despite the Left’s protestations, this was about freedom
of speech. For this, liberals have only themselves to blame.
The Left doesn’t want to be talking about freedom
of speech; they’d rather be talking about the WinShape Foundation, the
charitable arm of Chick-fil-A. In 2009 it donated $1.7 million to six organizations
that share Mr. Cathy’s views. Many of the recipients take opposition further.
A year after receiving their donation, the Family
Research Council sent fellow Peter Sprigg to MSNBC, where he would opine: “I think that the Supreme Court decision in Lawrence v. Texas --
which overturned the sodomy laws in this country -- was wrongly
decided. I think there would be a place for criminal sanctions against
homosexual behavior.”
Exodus International, another recipient of the
chicken-tainted money, employs counselors who specialize in helping those who
have “same-sex attraction (SSA) issues,” forgetting that homosexuality is not a medical disorder. The American
Medical Association, The American Psychiatric Association, The American
Psychological Association, The American Psychoanalytic Association and The
American Academy of Pediatrics have all released statements to this effect. Sexual
orientation is not a choice, they say, and cannot be changed.
It would seem that this was a debate requiring
little effort to win. Liberals only needed a brand of argument having subtly,
calm and familiarity with an old lawyer’s adage: “If you have the law on your
side, argue the law; if you have the facts on your side, argue the facts; if
you have neither, pound on the table.”
Despite the growing evidence from both the hard
and soft sciences in support of their position, bleeding heart liberals unthinkingly
applied their fists to the table.
Both the mayor of Boston, Thomas Menino,
and the mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emannuel, threatened to restrict Chick-fil-A’s
access to customers because of Mr. Cathy’s statements. Then, and only then, did the national conversation correctly shift to matters of freedom of
Liberals, in their high-mindedness, forgot
a lessen they should have learned in the 60s: debates on social policy always take a backseat to debates on the
nature of government. Because America has a constitution, before any government
policy can be implemented, two questions
must be answered in the affirmative: First, is this something government has
the ability to fix? Second (and more important), if so, is it within
government’s purview to create such a policy?
When figureheads from Boston and Chicago threaten
to do what is plainly illegal, because of the plainly legal actions of
Chick-fil-A, America abruptly stopped debating the unsavory nature of the fast
food chain’s speech, and shifted focus toward the nature and power of
Not satisfied with their loss, liberals
doubled down.
Meanwhile, on the right
While the Left continues its foundering, the Tea Party prolongs its election of congressmen. All those who whinge about anti-intellectualism on the right, meet Ted Cruz, the next Senator from Texas.
While the Left continues its foundering, the Tea Party prolongs its election of congressmen. All those who whinge about anti-intellectualism on the right, meet Ted Cruz, the next Senator from Texas.
Whatever one might say on his policies,
it’s impossible to deny his educational pedigree: he has a degree from
Princeton, where he wrote a thesis on the Ninth and Tenth Amendments, and a law
degree from Harvard, where he graduated magna cum laude.
Oh, and in celebration of his win, Ted Cruz
served Chick-fil-A to supporters.
Now think back: When was the last time
anyone mentioned Occupy Wall Street?
It’s time the Left rethought its approach.
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